Sally meets Inspector Gadget
Thu., Aug. 5, 2021 / 0530 / Copley High School
The Stuff
- Squat challenge – Sally upĀ Sally Down – by Moby
- Pushup challenge – Sally up Sally Down – by Moby
- Inspect Gadget – 5 sets of below with 3 burpees every minute.
- Hand release release pushups
- Leg raises
- jungle boy squats
- big boys
- lunges – double count.
Lap around the track to finish up.
The Stuff Squat challenge - Sally up Sally Down - by Moby Pushup challenge - Sally up Sally Down - by Moby Inspect Gadget - 5 sets of below with 3 burpees every minute. Hand release release pushups Leg raises jungle boy squats big boys lunges - double count. Lap around the track to finish up.