“Dirty Dozen” donuts

Mon., Jan. 4, 2021 / 0530 / Copley High School



neck rolls, arm circles, Abe Vigodas, turn and bounce, tappy taps, imperial walkers, hill billies, bear squats, quad stretches/split lunges


12 individual exercises to a 10 count performed consecutively, followed by a 400m run (the “donut”).  Rinse and repeat.Merkins
Shoulder presses
Bicep curls
Alt grip upright rows
Weighted squats
Side straddle hops
Bulgarian squats
Jump lunges
Mtn climbers
Monkey humpers :monkey:
Big boy sit-ups


“Motivator” from 5 down included:
Big boy sit-ups
Crunchy frogs
Pass the butter
Pickle pointers


see the F3 Medina “300” challenge with includes daily: 100 merkins, 100 big boy sit-ups and 100 air squats. Accountability poll posted daily at 5pm on Medina channel. Let someone know if you need access. Burning River relay sign-up available now. Just scroll up a bit to @Hardware post. 8-team 100 mile relay, first-come, first-serve. It’s a blast! Praises to @Pitfall for a year of overcoming a challenging medical diagnosis to a path of health and fitness that has changed his life! Praises to @JonBoy s SIL who recently got engaged! Blessings to that union. Thought of the day: 2021 will be better if you make it that way. A “victim thinker” sees life as a series of events that happens to them, largely out of their control. They may accept the outcome as uncontrollable chance. A more positive or “champion” approach is to find the best path (often guided by faith) to navigate a challenging event. There will always be choppy water or “rapids”, it’s how they are navigated that makes the difference. Thanks men!!