10 x 10s
Fri., Jun. 4, 2021 / 0530 / Copley High School
Half Mile Indian Run
10 reps of 10 different exercises in succession followed by a trip around the field (run forwards on first sideline, karaoke the far end zone, run backwards up far sideline and shuffle back along last end zone). Repeat until cleared.
The 10 exercises are:
Plank Jacks
Side straddle hops
Pass the butter
Freddie Mercury
Mountain climbers
Shoulder Taps
Heels to Heaven
Flutter kicks
Praises/Prayer for @Comeback Kid for what should be his last week of work in Columbus. Praises for @JonBoy smooth start back in the office. Prayers for @Dr. Claw friend Scott who is pretty sick from COVID. Prayers for @Dr. Claw friends Bill & Grace pregnancy - with doctors concerns for unborn baby. Quote from Andy Stanley: "When I count other people's blessings- I lose sight of mine" My challenge to myself and the PAX is to concentrate on the blessings that God has given us instead of focusing on what we perceive as blessings to other people.