Zac Tellier WOD
Mon., Mar. 1, 2021 / 0530 / Copley High School
neck rolls, arm circles, Michael Phelps, turn and bounce, tappy-taps, bear squats, Sun Salutations.
Zach Tellier WOD
Pyramid to completion or time expiration10 burpees
10 burpees, 25 merkins
10 burpees, 25 merkins, 50 lunges
10 burpees, 25 merkins, 50 lunges, 100 big boys
10 burpees, 25 merkins, 50 lunges, 100 big boys, 150 air squats.
praises for the physical and leadership changes that F3 has provided to our group. Thought of the day by Jay Shetty, (modern day monk): Pain + Reflection = Progress. Make life challenges into a teaching moment that will allow positive progress from a negative situation. If you remove reflection, there is no progress, just pain.