Slow and steady wins the race!

Mon., Jan. 11, 2021 / 0530 / Copley High School



Full Body warmup


Grab a coupon and complete 5 rounds of the following exercises in slow count (approximately 6 seconds per rep – 3 seconds up, 3 seconds down):
  • 10 merkins
  • 10 shoulder presses
  • 10 curls
  • 10 dips
  • 5 pull-ups


Those who finished early ran some laps before circling up for the COT. I was planning on 6MOM but had to modify. Thanks to everyone for guiding me through my first Q and holding me accountable to the time!COT: The focus for today was how to properly cope with fear. In the Bible, it says that Jesus was like us in all things but sin, which means he felt fear too. The greatest example of this would be at the beginning of His passion when His fear was so great that He actually sweat blood. Lucky for us, He didn't let fear hold Him back. I've been focusing on this in my prayer life recently, and the takeaway for me is that fear should never stop us from doing what's right. In times of fear, have faith and ask God for the strength to do the next right thing. Whether you're experiencing fear in your own life or trying to help others through, I'd invite you to take some time in silence to walk through it with God. We had a FNG this morning... Welcome to K-Cup!