
KB Triplet

Tue., Dec. 28, 2021 / 0530 / Copley HS



Crew Chief , Flanders , Garcia , JonBoy , Minnow , R2R , Sasoon , Software , Turbo

See monthly PAX reports


Proper Army PT run with cadence
Full body stretch


10 KB clean and split jerk
10 four count KB hallo spin and hingeThen1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of:
Renegade row
Gorilla row
Sumo deadlift
With a 50y sprint in between each setThenROMWOD
Hurdler stretch
Up dog
Samson stretch
Down dog
Half pigeon
Trunk twist from half pigeon
Buddy stretch


Let it go! Why do I feel I have control of everything and I know better than God. I do me all day long and thank God for my day when all I am doing is not paying attention to my father. @FLO spit the perfect example over coffee: "You truly understand what we are doing to God when you are a father of your own." (I am sure @FLO said it better in person. Pray for: Shaun Kuhne as he tries to heal from Covid. He is still in a medically induced coma. He was without a fever for 12 hours on Sunday which is a win. For Mrs. Flanders as she is not doing well from the Covid booster shot. We were up all night. Coffee was great. I love you guys!!! Be good.... or be good at it.