The Tomahawk


Sat., Mar. 5, 2022 / 0700 / Copley High School



Blitzkrieg , Comeback Kid , Crew Chief , DeepDish , FLO , Garcia , Hardware , IcyHot , Katniss , Pitfall , SloMo , Software

See monthly PAX reports


The warmup: pipe work, overheads, round the world, squat, leg swings
Warmup part 2: The Beep Test,
Run continuous between cones on every beep, then do burpees on the beep as you dropped from the run. Came down to @Garcia and @Comeback Kid with @Garcia winning the crown.


Magic Mike workout
5 exercises in ladder up format
Pullups, Merkins, Dips, BigBois, Squats
Increasing in reps as you moved up the ladder.
6MOM: Hardware’s As a Team Exercise or HATE for short.
1) Situps on the bench as a team x 2
2) Easter Island Guantanamo 100, another fav


Went around the group and re- introduced ourselves to each other. ( who would've guessed that @Icy Hot’s wife is named Jennifer and has a B-day coming up:grin:, also @Crew Chief has been married for 42 years :clap:). Ended with prayer and a quote “One man's struggle is one man's hope”. Thanks for the leadership opportunity and chance to grow mentally and physically. Next Saturday is the convergence Q at Fairlawn Country Club with host @Warm Water. Price is $25 per includes beatdown and use of Club, shower and steam room, and buffet breakfast after. Please HC on this thread so we can get a headcount asap.