The Liberated leader

Mon., Oct. 4, 2021 / 0530 / Copley High School





Motivator: up tempo from 4 on.


Walk the Plank:
Plank walk (PW) from goal line to 10 yard line, run to opposite goal line, 10 mt climbers single count, run back to 10 yard line, PW back to goal line, 10 surrenders.Repeat for:
PW 15 yard line, run, 15 mt climbers, run, PW, 10 surrenders then 15 curl ups,PW 20 yard line, run, 20 mt climbers, run, PW, 10 surrenders, 15 curl ups, 20 squatsPW 25 yard line, run, 25 mt climbers, run,
PW, 10 surrenders, 15 curl ups, 20 squats, 25 hand release merkinsBonus round: PW 50 yard line, run, 50 mt climber, run, PW, … everything and add 50 derkins.
Praises to the Pax who made it into the bonus round… you’re animals.