KB & Bodyweight circuit

Tue., Oct. 26, 2021 / 0530 / Copley High School



Full body warmup


The Thang:
  1. Kb squats
  2. side bends (R+L)
  3. Kb swings
  4. Kneeling clean & press (R+L)
  5. plank burpees
  6. Turkish get ups x 3 (R+L)
  7. Crawling


Announcements: This Saturday is @Flyguy’s VQ. We will be invited our F3 brothers to the west from Medina to join us. Costumes are optional but there will be an award for best costume. Let’s show up big for the VQ! TAP’s for @SloMo’s co-worker having health issues as well as the family of @Software whose uncle recently passed away. Also praying we soon see @JarJar and any other F3 brothers we haven’t seen in a bit. Matthew 19:24 states “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God” Ouch! I believe all of us have some form of sin holding us back from being in right relationship with our creator. For me, it’s success (or fear of failure) which causes me to depend on myself and my own understanding and not on God and His word. Perhaps we all reflect on what this sinis for us individually and confess it to God or one another and help one another move past it.