The Motivator

10’s and 20’s

Mon., Jan. 10, 2022 / 0600 / Copley High School



Atari , Comeback Kid , Finch , Flanders , Garcia , Hardware , IcyHot , JonBoy , McGrubber , SloMo , Software , Travolta , Turbo , WarmWater

See monthly PAX reports


SSH (20+20), Yes-No-Maybeso, shoulder warmup movements, tappy taps, garth brooks


The Thang
  • Motivator
  • Circuit with 3 8-count burpees every 90 seconds
  • 10 Pike Pushups
  • 20 Shoulder Taps
  • 10 Merkins
  • 20 Mountain Climbers
  • 10 1.5 Squats
  • 20 Pass the butter
  • 10 Bonnie Blairs
  • 20 Front Taps
  • 10 Spidermans (4 count)
  • 20 Frredie Mercury’s
  • Mini Motivator


Prayers for @Travolta’s mom and her boy friend - Darlene and Jerry for recovery from COVID. For Ann (@Software wife’s bff) as she grieves the loss of her mother - having also lost her dad recently. Personally for me as I feel tired, weak and worn in all realms of life - i might a touch of the winter blues. Gather the six - Checkin on each other as @Flanders mentioned about he schoolmate passing away and how he had not known. It is easy to loose touch. Followup on those who for one reason or another are on your heart. 3rd F on Thursday at Cardinal immediately after the workout. Praises for @Turbo who is going to invite men tonight - Hope they stagger out when showing up if not @Turbo will be doing a lot of burpees